Thursday, January 7, 2010

Something I've NEVER Said Before


so. fucking. gay.


Susan of Texas said...

This is the era of little minds.

NutellaonToast said...

Like all the others.

Susan of Texas said...


It's so heartless. So unfair.

Joe said...

Lol @ "the era" of little minds. Bc we've always had gay marriage everywhere till now...?

Clever Pseudonym said...

Look on the bright side. You've just been spared a Prop 8 spectacle and the resurfacing of Carrie Prejean.

Susan of Texas said...

Joe, it's not just the gay marriage. People have always been the same, but at least they used to pretend to admire Christian principles. They can't even do that anymore.

Joe said...

Wait, Americans no longer pretend to admire Christian principles? Do you live in America? Something like 75% of Americans self-identify as Christians, presumably they insinuate admiration of Christian principles by self-idenifying as Christian.

Susan of Texas said...

Most people grow up in a religion, they don't join the one they most admire. Most Christians supposedly are against killing and for helping others, yet manage to approve of constant warfare and the denigration of charity.

I hope you're not saying that calling yourself Christian means you actually act like one. It would contradict your imposing world-weary cynicism and undermine your condescending chuckle as you contemplate the naivety of others.