Monday, June 1, 2009

Dear Keith Olbermann

Andrew Sullivan is a noted proponent of the Bell Curve. He is, to be blunt, a racist who dresses his views up in academic terms.
Having him on your show is reprehensible. He does not deserve that platform. You're better than this.


Chad said...

I'm used to Sully altering his principles and the paradigms of his belief system whenever it's convenient for him, but seeing his unquestioning support for Obama alongside his past as an enthusiast for scientific racism shocked even me.

bulbul said...

Dude, the FUCK?
I just got to work, started Outlook and Notepad++ and downloaded the Countdown podcast. Halfway through Sullivan's interview I couldn't stand it anymore and came here to rant and/or vent.
So, um, word. Fuck Sullivan.

Anonymous said...

Sullivan and McArdle are two of the most odious people around. Just a coincidence, I'm sure, that they npth work for the same awful magazine.

Susan of Texas said...

We don't have enough racists, now we have to import them?

Sully is nuts. He manfully tries to shoulder the White Man's Burden, and gets all huffy when the other White Men don't want him in the locker room because he's too icky for them.

FGFM said...

"The middle part of the country—the great red zone that voted for Bush—is clearly ready for war. The decadent Left in its enclaves on the coasts is not dead—and may well mount what amounts to a fifth column." - Andrew Sullivan

ajw_93 said...

You know, I was disappointed to see him there too. Here's the thing: glad to see you talking for most of the show about the Tiller murder, KO. But why not have even ONE woman guest?! I can't stand it when there is no woman perspective when this issue comes up. You, males, won't ever become pregnant. I don't care what his religious belief on late-term abortion is. And I really don't like hearing that "everyone can agree we want to end abortions" because, you idiot, they are sometimes medically necessary and thus "ending" is not a legitimate goal. Oh wait, you won't ever become pregnant, so what do you care?!


Dhalgren said...

He was also on Anderson Cooper 360 last night, wearing glasses, as if he could change his appearance between tapings in midtown.

Mr. Wonderful said...

Great points, ajw_93.


You're too kind.

Anonymous said...

We really need to make sure to get a woman's perspective on whether murdering abortion doctors is a bad thing? Not murdering people strikes me as one of those things people can get behind without regard to reproductive capability.

NutellaonToast said...

Arguments about abortion doctor murders seem to self-evidently lead to arguments about reproductive rights. I think you need a woman's perspective to deal with that.

Joe said...

Any statement that starts "Keith Olbermann is better than..." will probably turn out false.