Wednesday, March 17, 2010

We're Frozen in Carbonite for a Few Weeks

and suddenly everyone has delusions of grandeur....

HIGHLIGHT: "So Hacksaw Megan McDuggan gets an email....."


Susan of Texas said...

She made a total ass of herself in support of P. Suderman, boy fiance, but what the hell, she habitually makes a fool out of herself anyway.

Susan of Texas said...

Also, heh.

Well, at least you acknowledge it's meanness. Given the level of absolute sociopathy you usually display towards people less fortunate than yourself, I guess that's something.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

That's what take your eye off the ball, and suddenly someone is stealing your market.

Next teh Poorman will be hiding your cheese, or some such.

cb said...

Good gawd, even though I don't play the lotto I'm thinking of starting just so when I win I can buy the Atlantic and fire her ass with no severance.

Clever Pseudonym said...

How can she not read back over her posts, if she indeed does that, and not think "you know, 'I am in receipt of...' kind of makes me sound like a pretentious asshole."? Who does she think she is, Sherlock Holmes?

I wonder if she'll ever get tired of feeling so superior to everyone. She snivels once again at us great unwashed to resorting to emotionally-biased rhetoric - in the same post where she's defending throwing shit at people in anger. I don't care if it is money. It's still wrong.