Remember when Mlle. McArdle started every other item w/ that phrase? Now guest blogger Jon Henke is doing the same.
One might easily disagree w/ his division of the Republican party into three sub-sets. There are other tripartite approaches, which include the money-grubbing section of the party, for one difference w/ Henke's approach, but, really, who cares?
We might notice that Jon's classifications all use the names of individuals as descriptors; Teddy Roosevelt, Goldwater, & Bush, yet I get the idea he doesn't like individuals too much.
...seem to want a Great Leader who can do Big Things.Further idiocy:
...a lack of publicly appealing, political viable ideas for limiting government has rendered them mostly impotent. The Goldwater Republicans have the greatest opportunity, however, because it is they who will have the most compelling arguments against Democratic and/or McCain poliices [sic], and it is they who will need to begin driving a narrative about the impact of Big Government poicy[sic].Learn to spell "policy" before you start squawking about it, eh? And please note that the "lack of publicly appealing, political viable ideas for limiting government" is because there aren't any, & there aren't going to be any in the future. The frontier closed almost 120 yrs. ago, & all this blather about "individual freedom" just doesn't work when the chance to run off & homestead your own farm isn't there. Or does J. H. think that every person on the planet is a budding Edison, who will invent an equivalent of the electric light & make a fortune, as long as the gov't. doesn't interfere? He just might be that foolish.
The real fool today is (guess who?) Conor:
This post is sorta required reading if you're trying to stay engaged in the discussion about what exactly libertarianism is.It's "sorta required." If these clowns can ever make up their minds "about what exactly libertarianism is" & manage to form a party that runs someone other than Bob Barr for president (or dog-catcher) maybe Mr. & Mrs. Average American will pay the slightest bit of attention to them. And if any of them believe that they're going to talk Middle-America out of their "entitlements" in exchange for "individual liberty" or whatever the fuck they want to call being alone & unprotected in a world of predatory capitalists, they really are as dense as they sound.