From Monday, you may now take 80+ mins. of your life, crumple them into a little ball, & toss them directly into the bonfire of For your added convenience:

They did.
From Monday, you may now take 80+ mins. of your life, crumple them into a little ball, & toss them directly into the bonfire of For your added convenience:
Posted by
M. Bouffant
9:07 PM
Fuck you. I will fucking not. I have pasta to mkae and cats to pet.
And I would rather stare at a wall. I covered a bloggingheads once, but it took me a week to actually watch it.
I cannot believe they actually spent 80 minutes doing this. I'm curious to know what is the drop-out time for people clicking on that thing. Ugh.
I will admit I've yet to watch it. And the chances of a report are slimmest to zip.
But I do plan on watching (Time stretches around me, Dali-style.) & maybe I'll link to a short but offensive part.
Based on the screencap, it looks like the ladybug has reappeared atop Megan's head.
I wonder if the ladybug commands McArdle to say stupid things about guns and healthcare, similar to the way a labrador retriever told David Berkowitz to kill people.
I honestly can't imagine who the hell would watch an entire episode of those things, no matter which insufferable amateur prick is appearing in them. I never last more than a couple minutes, and those are pretty much gaping-at-the-train-wreck moments. Megan is actually more smug and annoying in person than she is on her blog.
I made it halfway through. MM does herself no favors with that hair. (Michelle is adorable.) Looksism aside, everything Michelle says strikes me as not only sensible, but common-sensible. Most things MM says strike me as contrived efforts to maintain a position. And, yes, smug.
Sign me,
Mr. Objective
PS--And, entre nous, what is MM doing opining on guns? I mean I know. But Goldberg has published at least two entire books on social matters (that I know of), and MM is "an econoblogger." God damn it, who's in charge here?
Econoblogger's just what it says on her business cards; haven't you learned by now that Megan's an expert on every subject in the world, no matter how little she actually knows about it?
Umm, is it just me, or did the vidcap there catch M.G. staring into the web cam and making a circular motion with her finger alongside her head?
Oh, and clever pseudonym (at 11:36) takes the the thread.
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