One of my favorite things in politics is when one side calls politicians from the other side sociopaths. HUH-DOY. It's like calling park rangers outdoorsmen! ALL OF THEM ARE. This is not hyperbole or OMG POLITICS IS STUPID. This just stems from the fucking textbook definition of sociopathy. Don't believe me? Click here.
Psychopathy (pronounced /saɪˈkɒpəθi/[1][2]) is a personality disorder characterized by an abnormal lack of empathy combined with strongly amoral conduct, masked by an ability to appear outwardly normal.
Ruthless people that everyone seems to like? Eh?
Psychopaths lack a sense of guilt or remorse for any harm they may have caused others, instead rationalizing the behavior, blaming someone else, or denying it outright.
What politician has ever admitted wrong?
Sociopaths are basically remorseless people who appear either normal, or else especially charming. You know, the kind of person that knows how to shake a hand warmly but is also willing to lie to get their way? The kind of person that will kiss a baby while signing a bill to guarantee that babies are now fed lead-laced cyanide drink at a hefty premium from Murder the Infants Inc.
The reason is simple. These are the people who are most successful under our system. Everyone who meets them likes them, so they get promoted. On the other hand, they're willing to do unscrupulous shit to get their way. They're kittens with dioxin claws whether they're named Bush, Obama or Palin.