Monday, February 22, 2010

One Good Apple Saves a Rotten Bunch

Take a look at this video. What is the crowd's reaction?

Sounds to me like dissension. Some booing and some cheering. I don't know how you'd go about guessing as to which was more predominant.

Let's hear what Megan hears:

Andrew Sullivan has been doing a lot of blogging about Ryan Sorba, the [expletive deleted] who got up on stage at CPAC to condemn them for inviting GOProud. Andrew's mostly given a lot of space to illustrating what a [censored] [redacted] Ryan Sorba is, and I fully agree. One can only cherish the hope that thirty years from now he will writhe in shame at this performance, and given the vagaries of youth, there is a good chance that eventually, he will.

But [expletive deleted]s getting up at political conferences and saying asinine things are not exactly a surprising happening. To me, the news story was this: Sorba got booed off the stage. At CPAC.
Well, he didn't seem to leave the stage. Maybe the "booing off" happened later. Maybe it's just an expression.

Or maybe that a handful of people at CPAC have part of their hearts and brains still intact doesn't change the fact that the GOP has been championing gay-hate for as long as I've been paying attention. So have a number of assholes Dems. So fucking what? America hates gays; the Republicans slightly more so -- or maybe just more honestly so, but whatever. A handful of fucktards at CPAC that are fucktarded in a different way doesn't change the fact that an open homophobe was invited to talk at CPAC. Does she think Sorba didn't make his stance on homos known before he hit the podium? I'm gonna guess he did, though you can prolly guess whether or not I will bother to look it up.

Anyway, this is what booing sounds like:

I wish I had the chance that Gomez did to tell Palin what a horrible person she is in front of thousands. Alas, Scotty appears not to have taken the opportunity. Fucking Alaskans, always sticking together.

UpdateHere's a video showing that he did, in fact, leave the stage. Immediately the MC started saying "freedom of opinion" over and over. That has nothing to do with anything, though. Skip to 1:30.


Anonymous said...

The lesbians at Smith College protest better'n you do!

High unintentional comedy.

In the land of the Total Fucking Douchebags, Ryan Sorba is king.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Fucking Alaskans, always sticking together.

Like white on snow.

Unknown said...

You write a blog that vilifies and willfully misinterprets someone. In the land of douchebags, you rival Ryan Sorba.

NutellaonToast said...

I don't think Megan is a villian. I think she's stupid.

You willfully misrepresented me and therefore rival... oh... who am I kidding! You don't rival shit!

Unknown said...

Already resorting to four letter words? Oh well, it's for the better, your ability to use longer ones is lacking.

Unknown said...

You know what's stupid and very, very sad? A person that devotes a blog to tearing someone down. A blog that is filled with poor writing and even poorer logic, that revels in pejorative and crassness.

NutellaonToast said...

fuck crap cunt cock balls penis dick ass vagina

Unknown said...

Apparently, you can't count either. Bravo!

NutellaonToast said...

How'd you know my real name is Apparently?

NutellaonToast said...

WAit, no, I came up with a better one! I may not be able to count, but you just straight DON'T count!


Unknown said...

No, someone who has a crappy blog about someone else's blog doesn't count. Score one for me...oh wait, you still can't count, better do it myself.

NutellaonToast said...

Hey! I did two! Now you have to!

Unknown said...

Look,'re probably cool when you're not talking politics. You're a scientist, right? That gives you some points in my book. All I'm arguing is that what you're doing is a total waste of time. It's about to be spring in New York. Go on a tour of the wild life of Central Park with this guy:

Smell the flowers. Stop arguing with people that only exist in your head (I've read most of your comments on McArdle's blog and they're almost all off topic). Read fiction. Cook yourself a good meal every night. Go find a pretty girl or boy to laugh with. Do you really want to spend your time writing expletive-laden posts about another person's blog? It's fucking tragic. There...that completes my drunk rant.

Morbo said...

That is some epic concern trolling right there. If this blog ever succeeds you should apply at The Atlantic.

Susan of Texas said...

Oddly, the person who is lying to support the upper class who destroyed our financial system gets off scot free, while NoT is given all the advice.

Do a google of McArdle's posts and you see every moron and villain on the right using her work to support their crusade against helping their fellow man and handing more power over to bankers and corporations. But it's okay because Megan's smart and nice and always says what wannabes want to hear.

I guess it's okay as long as it's other people who are going from small houses to motels and tents and from office jobs to temps and minimum wage. When all the commercial loans come due in the next four years a lot more businesses will fail, but Megan will still be there, telling everyone how America is the land of opportunity, as long as you have connections and are willing to shill for the rich like her.

I guess America can get into the business of selling their kidneys to the rich like Megan wants instead.

Clever Pseudonym said...

Forgive me while I feed the troll, guys, but....

What an unsurprising Megan fanboi/gurl. Condescending tone, assertions of misunderstanding, and unsolicited and entirely inappropriate advice on how other people should be conducting their life and choosing how to spend their own free time. All this while claiming s/he is better that everyone else because they don't use four letter words while they're doing it.

You serve your goddess well, intotheveld. I hope she rewards you for it in the afterlife.

Susan of Texas said...

Nah, she'll just scream at him to get her fucking dishwasher fixed already, or car reparied, or dog washed, and doesn't he know who she is???

Unknown said...

Shorter intotheveld: WAAAAAAAH

NutellaonToast said...

I actually think the park think is a good idea. Thanks veldt. I'm a changed man!

Unknown said...

Wait, so McSuderman isn't a total waste of space anymore? What an awesome park.

Anonymous said...

I assumed Sorba is gay when I initially saw him at the podium. Maybe a self-hatred thing? Because let's face it, who gives a sh*t whether CPAC invites some gay people. Even if I was totally anti-gay, it's not something I could get really worked up about.

Anonymous said...

What a great resource!