This self-flagellating column* by Jonathan Rauch about what he got wrong on Iraq made me go looking at the Iraq Index* from Brookings to see just how guilty I should feel this month. (Who doesn't enjoy a spot of self-flagellation?) Instead, I got a happy surprise. The security statistics (other than coalition soldier deaths, which are sharply down), are spotty, and I wouldn't know enough to interpret them even if they weren't. But they do have two objective and easy to verify economic statistics that happen to be closely tied to the security situtation: electricity and barrels of oil pumped.................
Barrels of oil pumped had been drifting steadily downwards thanks to insurgent attacks, but in September it popped back to where it was in September of last year. This is, mind you, still below its pre-war level, so this isn't exactly a rousing endorsement of the invasion. But electricity, which has been the metric that generally induces in me the greatest sense of despair, soared in September. The country is now producing more electricity than it ever has before--an average of almost 5,000 megawatts in September. That's 25% more than the prewar level, and also, 6% more than the previous peak in August of 2004. This is a very, very welcome sign . . . although also a very, very tenative [sic] one, as these numbers tend to fluctuate quite a lot.
You win, Megan. I'm speechless.
*- Links not reinserted because I am lazy.
I would think someone in grad school for philosophy would know that argumentation usually consists of more than just spluttering "it's so stooopid!"
Well, how many better spoken folk than I have already written about the folly of looking for good news in a clusterfuck, and what that might tell us about the person so inclined to view Iraq that way?
I'm just being a jackass. Megan does most of our work for us, on a depressingly regular basis.
How is someone in grad school for philosophy entertained by being an ankle biter like this?
Maybe I need am occasional break from making serious, considered arguments, and this is less self-destructive than porn?
The security statistics (other than coalition soldier deaths, which are sharply down), are spotty, and I wouldn't know enough to interpret them even if they weren't.
Yeah, no shit.
An Econometrics 1 class would probably melt her elfin brain.
It's obvious that you love her. She spurned your advances and now you have redirected your obsession towards her in this hostile manner.
That's OK, I've been there. It was in third grade. She was a cute little sprite with a pixie hair cut and soulful brown eyes. I still cringe when I think of how she held me in contempt, even to the point of ripping my Valentines Day card into shreds and throwing it into my face.
My revenge was sweet. During recess when the room was unpopulated, I slid in and wrote "THIS SUCKS" on her piece of art hanging on the wall.
So you see, we are alike and ...alone.
I can, and currently am, doing much better than Megan.
Besides, I'm not into older women.
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