Saturday, February 2, 2008

Cat porn, combo-style

The violence returns.

Mah tail iz a blur becuz it's time to PLAY.

Ur hand, gimmie it.

*sniff, sniff* Iz clean?

Tastes clean.

Hay! Didn't get to nom.

And now, a quick vid.


NutellaonToast said...

I just got a couple of kitties a couple weeks ago. Am I allowed to cat porn blog too?

brad said...

Of course. But do it midweek, since I put mine up on the weekends. And try n keep to one post a week, so as not to let it take over.

NutellaonToast said...

yeah, I don't even have my own digital camera so I'msure it'll be less often than that even.

Anonymous said...

There's something terribly amusing about the thought of a blog that started out as a critique of the "work" of MM slowly devolving into a blog where people just post pictures of their cats because they can't stand to read her anymore.