Marc Ambinder is a fat retard.
Reflecting on the debate, he writes:
Obama's going to be the next president of the United States, maybe. The most powerful person in the world. And questions about his personal associations, his character, his personal beliefs, his statements at private fundraisers -- the answers to these questions tell us a lot. Sometimes the questions are unfair (( -- nothing about Colombia and Mark Penn -- )), but this ain't Pop Warner; the artificial distinction between politics, personality and policy doesn't exist in this league, and if you're uncomfortable with it, then change the rules or don't run for office.
The introduction of ex-Weatherman William Ayers into the mainstream of the debate (wasn't that Sean Hannity's question). Tax pledges by Clinton and Obama. Insinuations by both Democrats that they would not accept the advice of generals and admirals who urged them to keep troops in Iraq. My guess is that the debate helps Clinton marginally in Pennsylvania ... and is a mixed bag outside of Pennsylvania... where many Dems will be troubled by Obama and his performance... and others troubled by the attacks against Obama and what they say about the media....
Got that? Obama's friends are more important the torture.
So I guess Ambinder's Room 101 would to be placed in front of a hard-to-reach twinkie after watching informative political discourse.

UPDATE:I wanted to make this clear: the above picture is an actual picture of Marc Ambinder, sans fat suit.
So I guess Ambinder's Room 101 would to be placed in front of a hard-to-reach twinkie after watching informative political discourse.
Uh, huh?
Wow! That's intellectually stimulating.
See, he's FAT! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...
Wait a minute. He's fat? And that means, what exactly???
I agree, Norman. I agree.
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