Thursday, April 24, 2008

Oh Clem

Megan wants you to teach her about Dresden. See?

Oh, and Megan?

One could as easily argue that the purpose of torture is to satisfy our strategic objectives in Iraq and Afghanistan. The proper answer to which is, who cares? It's wrong.
That's fucking stupid of you to say. Of course it's wrong, but one could not argue that, not without being a baldfaced liar or braindead propaganda swallower. We torture because men with small penises and even smaller self-images hold the highest offices in our land, and they want the rush of power that comes with directly orchestrating the torture of the people who made them feel small and afraid on 9/11, or at least people who look like them. There is no rational argument for torture. The fictional situations common in 24 don't actually happen. By giving that ground, you give up your own, Megan.


Anonymous said...

We torture because men with small penises and even smaller self-images hold the highest offices in our land
Come on, brad, that's reductionist psychobabble.
If you have time for some non-reductionist psychobabble, let me recommend Elaine Scarry's analysis in "The Body in Pain".

Adam Eli Clem said...

Aauugghh! I went to her site! Fuck! Fuck! Say, has she ever posted graphic descriptions of dead Iraqi civilians? And why do I have the sick feeling that, in Megan's echoing skull, firebomded Germans warrant more wailing and garment-rending than firebombed Japanese? I've nothing to teach that useless, stupid girl.