It's short, so I'll save you the indignity of giving her a click:
Random musingExcuse us, Sister McA., but as one's albedo is a sort of reflectivity index, would yours not make things even warmer? Unless you're planning on focusing reflections from your pasty whiteness (bet I'm almost as pasty, or was before being forced to the streets) to burn up greenhouse gases. Otherwise, if you start reflecting at us, it's just going to get hotter.
I defy Jeremiah Wright: I have always clapped syncopated [sic]. And there is no chance that I have any cultural or genetic African heritage--indeed, if I were any whiter, you could use my albedo to end global warming.
Luckily, I'm not running for president, so no one will bring it up. I mean, except me.
One might want to look at the comments, a particular commenter by the pseudonym of "Occam's Razor" makes an especial asshole of himself, as in Megan's earlier linking to a NSFW site (The Onion) about an asshole.
Weird sciencebrad is right, there's no game here today, but I've still wasted precious time. Now if only we could teach her to clap syncopatedly. And teach the Rev. Wright & every white racist the differences between culture & genetics.
This explains a lot. (Not workplace safe: sorry to any who clicked before the note.)
as one's albedo is a sort of reflectivity index, would yours not make things even warmer?
Perhaps she means she'll float out into space and reflect the sun's rays before they reach earth, thus cooling the planet by those crucial few degrees?
Or maybe she's just a crappy writer. Your call.
She's on fire now. She tells us taxes are complicated to do, and expresses surprise that GMAC isn't doing too well. I guess all those sub-prime mortages might have hurt the company, but who could have seen that coming? Certainly not an economics journalist. Megan also mentions that oil is used for things besides gasoline, and that might just become a problem in the future.
She also takes another swipe at Kathy G, something I can see happening often in the future. I predict name-calling and tears.
We could flip a coin, rather than making it my call.
Are taxes complicated? That often seems to be the real resentment of taxes by glibrtarians & general fascists, that the difficulty in filling out forms & following instructions is an affront to them. If only they didn't have to pay an "expert" to do them, wah wah. I can't imagine that single & childless Megan's would be that difficult, unless of course she's trying to cheat.
Now she's got a post up about polygamy where she completely talks out of her ass and obviously has no clue what she is writing about. Again.
Megan, not every subject in life can be reduced to "apply libertarian principles of privatization and legalization." Most situations are a lot more complicated than that.
Megan, not every subject in life can be reduced to "apply libertarian principles of privatization and legalization."
The problem is, we're talking about someone who got her business education at the University of Chicago, so those seven words probably made up a large part of the curriculum - particularly in whatever Survey of Economics courses they make the MBA students take.
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